Entries by iondronic

International Conference on Applied Psychology and Educational Sciences, Iasi 2017

It is our pleasure to invite you to the 7th edition of International Conference of Applied Psychology and Educational Sciences (ICAPES), which will be held in Iași on 19 – 22 October 2017. The conference is organized by the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iasi, Romania in collaboration with […]

Workshop – „Using a Narrative Approach to Work with People who have Experienced Trauma: Drawing on the Absent but Implicit”

Workshop pre-conferință ICAPES 2017: „Using a Narrative Approach to Work with People who have Experienced Trauma: Drawing on the Absent but Implicit” Trainer: Hugh Fox Hugh Fox is trained as a social worker and as a family therapist. He has immersed himself in the narrative approach for the last 18 years and is currently a Director […]

Workshop -„What makes Narrative Therapy Different? A brief introduction”

Workshop pre-conferință ICAPES 2017: „What makes Narrative Therapy Different? A brief introduction” Trainer: Anita Franklin. Anita Franklin has been working with narrative ideas for many years and was co-director for the Centre for Narrative Practice in Manchester. She uses narrative approaches in her teaching in Higher Education and Adult Education… Read more

Întâlnirile Narative Psiterra – IANUARIE 2017

INPsiterra – Întâlniri Narative Psiterra – … maine, 31 ianuarie, Corp R, et. 5 Clădirea Școlii Doctorale a UAIC. Tema: Externalizarea – abilitățile narative de identificare a direcțiilor preferate în viață. Ora 17:00-18:30. Ca de obicei, deschis publicului larg, nu doar pasionaților și practicienilor narativiști!

Întâlnirile Narative Psiterra – decembrie 2016

Experiente narative… la superlativ! “2016… pe ora!”. Participantii la activitatile narative impartasesc experienta lor de peste an: Proiectul “Refuz sa mai suport abuzul in tacere!”, 4th International Conference on Narrative Therapy and Community Work (Barcelona); Proiectul “O viata demna pentru fiecare”; Conferinta Nationala de Terapie Narativa… prezentari din experiente de caz (terapie narativa)… sarbatorim narativ […]